The New Shape

Backstage at a Lionel Richie concert, I met a beautiful, kooky French woman who told me she’d invented a new shape and got it patented too. She worked in PR.
Typical French I thought, and asked her what the hell she was talking about.
– I’ve got it in my bag, she said, and proceeded to take a shape out of her handbag. I was intrigued; it was a shape I’d never seen before.
I asked her what she was going to do with her shape.
– Photo holders, she said.
– Eh? I said back.
– You know, holders for photos. I’m going to manufacture them.
I loved the concept of a new shape, never seen before, but the idea of photo holders and manufacturing them, I don’t know, it somehow took away from the essence and purity of the shape. Still, that’s the hard reality for a new shape. You can’t just be a new shape. You’ve got to have something to do.


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Barnoffee Pie