Film Dreams

I wish I was Al Pacino in Serpico, sitting outside in my overgrown garden on a summer’s day, with a freshly made pot of expresso coffee, long hair and beard, wooing the blonde next door.

I wish I was Gene Hackman in The French Connection II, alone in my hotel room on my first night in Marseilles, eating chocolate and loading my gun.

I wish I was hanging out with Barbara Hershey, reading her a bit of E E Cummings in my huge studio in Chelsea, New York, as in Hannah and Her Sisters.

Or I wish I was Jean Gabin as Pepe Le Moko, running through the black and white Delacroix Algiers Casbah in my spotless suit and spats.

...I met Isabelle Huppert in a dream, she was only nineteen and we ate strawberry ice cream.


R.I.P. Eric Rohmer (1920-2010)


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