Just a quick one

No, unfortunately not the euphemism for a quick shag, but more of the office speak that spreads like a virus. I’ve mentioned previously (ironically) about the fast-paced office environment, reminiscent of a doctor’s waiting room, morgue or (at other times) a children’s playground. The latest buzz phrase is a ‘quick question’ or ‘quick one’, ie a quick word. Nothing’s about leisure; there's no: ‘how about a six hour chat?’ It’s all about the quick one. It might not even be quick: it’s probably the same length as a normal size question or chat. But the advanced warning – ‘a quick one’ – informs the recipient it won't take up much of their valued time. Invariably, the quick one ends up becoming a medium or even long one, but the thought is there I guess.

Also trending this month: clearing throats, squeaking chairs and clanging keyboards.


Kim vs Kim


Notes on Kate Moss